Sunday, September 18, 2011

The good, the bad, the big apple

I imagine most of my posts on this blog will be about the beauty of a city we are so lucky to have the opportunity to spend time in. And as we all know, beauty can be found in strangeness too.   I plan to share our experiences in all their glory and that includes showing all facets of the city, ones that may not be portrayed as often as others. Its not good or bad, It just is, it's New York City.

We are living in one of five boroughs of one of the largest cities in the world. Brooklyn's population alone is the same as the entire state of Nebraska. New York City could be seen as an eco system within itself.  There are people everywhere, which in turn means, there are just as many creatures living with or around roughly, 20 million people. As we are getting to know the city, we are really getting to know the city!  Yin Yang, everything is interconnected.

I actually saw a rat scamper into a trash area one of the first nights we were here, I felt a surge of excitement thinking, ahh, we have arrived! I did not call 311 to receive a ticket number.  Maybe next time.

David and I have named this guy the "green street pigeon".  He has unique markings and we see him everyday when we are out and about.  He sleeps on the grate outside of the laundry mat on the corner of our block. It is fenced in so he is safe and the dryer exhaust comes up from through the grate. He curls up and tucks his beak under one wing.

This guy was hanging out in the subway, he was not ashamed or afraid.  He did not try and run away or hide.  He stood his ground and was roughly guessing, 4 to 5 inches in length. With that size, why would he need to run? I  diverted my path a bit and gave him room. His antennae were as long as a cats whiskers, seriously. David said it was the largest roach he had ever seen.  Even after spending part of my childhood in Louisiana were roaches are huge and oh yes, they fly, I must agree with David on this one.

You can see advertisements for any and all imaginable bed bug products plastered all over the city.  This one is especially eye catching due to the lovely grafiti in a matching yellow.

There are lots of dogs in the city but not many grassy knolls for them go potty.  It is quite comical to see dogs poo'ing on the sidewalk or lifting a leg to pee on a scooter parked on the side of the street.  And yes, I photographed dog poo.

David read on a fishing website that people catch large fish from the east river quite often.  I guess you just shouldn't eat them if you are pregnant, want to have children, are a child yourself. But seriously, no one should eat fish caught in the east river.

This was just too funny not to photograph, or sad.  We weren't sure which. Okay, its kind of funny, I mean, no one would really dump a baby in a dumpster, thats unheard of right? Okay, maybe it is sad.

I was really looking forward to creating this post, I've always found the peculiar of great interest.  I am intrigued  by the oddities of life and I find beauty in things that others may not.   

1 comment:

  1. This is wonderful, Kate. Maybe when it's over, you could publish!
    Next time I'd call about the rat! That's just me--I'd like to see how long it takes to get a response. Then I'd call the mayor's office if it didn't happen "in a timely manner."
    Love your new pigeon pet.
